Saturday, May 17, 2014

English 64th post अभंग म्हणशीं होऊनि निश्चिंता 
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म्हणशीं होऊनि निश्चिंता । हरुनियां अवघी चिंता ॥ मग जाऊं एकांता । भजन करूं ॥ १॥
संसारसंभ्रमें आशा लागे पाठी । तेणें जीवा साटी होईल तुझ्या ॥ २॥
सेकीं नाडसील नाडसील । विषय्संगे अवघा नाडसील । मागुता पडसील। भवडोहीं ॥ ३॥
शरीर सकळ मायेचा बांधा । यासीनाही कदा आराणूक । ॥ ४ ॥
करिती ताडातोडी अंतर बाह्यात्कारीं । ऐंसें जाती चारी दिवस वेगां ॥ ५ ॥
मोलाची घडी जाते वायाविण । न मिळे मोल धन देतां कोडी ॥ ६ ॥
जागा होईं करीं हिताचा उपाय । तुका म्हणें हाय करिसी मग ॥ ७ ॥

Verbatim Meaning :-

If you think that I will first finish all the works and then sit alone to worship the God, it will never be possible for you. This is since you will always have some or the other work to do in this world. This situation will make you very uncomfortable only. || 1+2||
You will get drowned in this worldly affairs, because of running behind the aim of satisfying demands from your sense organs and mind.. || 3||
After-all this body is the result of the above need and it never therefore has time to have rest || 4||
Because of this reason, all your life will be ultimately a waste|| 5||
Every moment in the life is very important, Understand that in exchange of a worthless item one does not get a Priceless item || 6 || ( Priceless here means whose value is very very High)
Tukaa says that at-least now wale -up , do so0mething for your own welfare. Otherwise you will regret only || 7||

Information needed for understanding the True meaning of the Abhanga :-

In fact there is no such background information necessary. Never-the less it is necessary to know , “For whom this Abhanga has been addressed.”

Many a times one is fully convinced that he should do something for worshiping the God. However because of many works and duties one is not able to perform the worship and this makes one to feel unhappy. This abhanga is addressed for such a person by Saint Tukarama Mahaaraj.

Meaning of the Abhanga :-

Tukaram Mahaaraaja says here that if you think that first you will do all your worldly works and duties and afterwards spend time for Worship of God; then this will never be possible.

As long as we are having this body ,we are required to perform some or the other work. Some of these works are because of our own invitation while some come to us as duties. In any case it is not possible to find the time for worship of God since we are engrossed with our worldly works and duties.

Therefore even if one is convinced that he should spend some time for Worship of God, he can not do this and this makes one to feel unhappy .

The main reason for this situation is that the mind is busy in satisfying unending demands of one's sense organs. Thus the whole life gets wasted in this feeling of unhappiness. Nothing is gained.

Actually one should understand that the God has gifted the power of Thinking only to the Human beings. Therefore birth as a Human is the only an unique opportunity for achieving Liberation.

Naturally it is clear that one should not waste this unique opportunity by using the body for mere satisfying the demands of the sense organs . All the pleasures derived from such actions are worthless compared to the aim of Liberation.

Tukarama maharaj says that if you spend your life like this;  then at the end you will regret only.

Teaching of the Abhanga :-

Even if we have spent all our life up-till now without worshiping the God, it is not late. We can still start the same.


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