82nd post वृक्षवल्ली आम्हां सोयरे वनचरें
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For Marathi Readers a separate post has been added..
Blog address : http: // tukaramasteachings.blogsopt.com
For Marathi Readers a separate post has been added..
आम्हां सोयरे वनचरें। पक्षीही
सुस्वरें आळविती ॥ १ ॥
सुखें रुचे एकांताचा वास ।
नाहीं गुण दोष अंगा येत ॥ २॥
मंडप पृथिवी आसन । रमे तेथें
मन क्रीडा करू ॥ ३ ॥
देहौउपचारा । जाणवितो वारा
अवसरू ॥ ४॥
भोजन परवडी विस्तार । करोनि
प्रकार सेवूं रुची ॥ ५ ॥
म्हणे होय मनासी संवाद । आपुलाचि
वाद आपणांसी ॥ ६॥
Verbatim Meaning :-
All the trees , creepers ,
different animals and birds singing sweetly are my near and dear
one relatives. The sky is the canopy and The Earth is my seat . My
mind is happy to be here and because of this pleasure I like this
place where I can be alone . Staying here does not cause me to get
any virtues of follies.|| 1 + 2 ||
I am having suitable cover for
Body and vessel for drinking water . The passing wind enables me to
know the time passed Therefore I will stay here for whatever time I
like and enjoy this play.||3 + 4 ||
Tuka says the at this
wonderful place I will enjoy the singing and reciting /hearing the
stories about the divine, since these are like feast for me. Besides
this I can spend time here in meditation thorough which I will
establish dialog between me and my innerself. || 5 + 6 ||
Background Information for
the Hymn :-
Saint Tukaram was a liberated
soul . Such person lives in this world but is never away from his
state of union with Parabrahman ( all pervading consciousness) .
Therefore such persons are addressed as “Jeevaanmuktas meaning one
who is Free from the cycle of Birth and death. Such personalities
forcefully bring themselves to the world conscious state since they
have to deal with the world. This state of body is called “Turiya
Avastha “and in this state of body one remains conscious about the
world as well as Parabrahman . For getting the meaning / ie.
understanding this state , the example of a lamp which is lighting
the interior of the house as well as exterior part of the house,
since it is located at the entrance of the house.
Thus the speech and sayings of
these saints is nothing but the speech of God Himself. This is the
reason why this Hymn is unique and very important. The first two
lines are famous since these enable us to look at the world with a
special prospective.
We can refer to the chapter of
Vishvarupadarshana from Srimad BhagavadGeeta . Thisd chapter shows us
that the omnipresent God appears to us in all the visual forms . The
Hymn addresses the same point in it's first two lines.
In our earlier post
we have seen the meaning of the Hymn “which state that the real
godly person is
the one who treats
all the Poor and downtrodden people as his own and lives his life
for uplifting
them .
This Hymn tells us to
consider not only the Humans but also all other living beings as our
near and dear ones. Also it describes to us the importance of going
to a solitary place and spend some time there. This kind of spending
some time in solitude is useful for achieving not only the worldly
goals but also the spiritual progress.
The meaning of the Hymn
becomes clear when we consider the above described background.
Meaning of the Hymn :-
As said earlier, Tukarama
Maharaj ( he being a liberated soul who has experiences union with
the Universal Consciousness Parabrahmasn ) naturally treated all the
living beings including Trees and Creepers as his near and dear
ones. In his times it was thought that trees and creepers did not
have Consciousness though He experienced the same and thus stated in
the Hymn.
Subsequently in 19th
century , Sir Jagadeeshachandra Bose has proven that truly the trees
and creepers too have consciousness and experience various emotions.
In the first stanza of the
Hymn ; it is stated that all these are near and dear one, for Saint
Tukarama Maharaja. He further says that the tweeting of Birds is like
music and gives him immense pleasure.
In my opinion ; these lines
give us the idea and prospective for looking at the world and and the
Nature .We should treat our environment with love and when we treat
it like this then it also treats us in return by the same measures.
Otherwise we are experiencing the damages that are happening. Thus
this part of the Hymn is obviously important one.
Once we have our dear ones
around us, then we can never feel lonely and depressed. In fact when
we are in the company of like minded people then such time are always
However if the group is not
uniform in its thinking then conflicts and pain follows. It is now
known that even-though not expressed with spoken words, the thoughts
of a person around us , can affect us if our mind is sensitive. When
one starts the practices in spirituality, one of the effects is the
increased sensitivity of the mind. Such person will definitely abhor
the company of the persons who are immersed only in the thoughts for
bodily pleasure and therefore will prefer to remain with nature alone
in solitude.
One who understands that the
God is the doer and we are just the instruments in his scheme to get
various things done, and thus remembers the God always, naturally
will like the company of like minded beings. The company of Nature is
therefore the best one .
This is the reason for our
sages to live in the remote plains of Himalayas.
The biography of Takarama
Maharaja says tht he used to go to a hill named “Bhandara “for
doing meditation.
He has clearly stated in the
3rd and 4th stanza that he loves such
environment where the sky forms the canopy, Earth is the seat. He
only has bare necessities such as a blanket for covering the body and
a small vessel for water. He says that the quality of wind blowing ,
enables him to judge the time , and thus he is very happy to spend
the time in singing glories of his beloved Panduranga.
Rest of the part of the
Hymn are describing the importance of solitude.
says that one should go to a solitary place once awhile. Sri Samartha
Ramadas has also advised the same.
Generally people go to a sage
with their requests to solve their worldly need and problems. The
sages being very kind hearted , do help such people. There are very
few , who aspire for progress in their search for God and peace
problems ; and when such a person meets a sage he is very happy.
Tukarama maharaj is also
interested to go and spend time in solitude so as to meditate on his
beloved deity. He states this thought in the last part of the Hymn.
There are advantages and
benefits in going in solitude. The nature of these gives benefits in
worldly as well as in Spiritual aspects.
A) Worldly advantages and
benefits :-
One who wants to succeed in
the endeavours undertaken in the world, can do proper planning when
he goes in solitude. He can review the progress . Also secrete plans
can be given shape only in solitude.
1)When King Shivaji went to
meet the tyrant Afzalkhan , he spent a lot of time in solitude to
plan this meeting.
2) Shankaracharya
could find the rules for Vedic Mathematics only in solitude.
These examples are
adequate to bring out the importance of going to solitude.
Following excerpts
are self explanatory . These have been told by Samatrha Ramadasa in
his book Dasabodha.
एकांत सेवावा। ग्रंथमात्र
धांडोळावा।प्रचीत येईल तो
घ्यावा। अर्थ मनी ॥
एकांती करावा। जगदीश धारणेने
विवेक ठांई पडे । येकांती
येत्न सापडे। येकांती तर्क
स्मरण करावें।चुकले निधान
पडे ठावें।
येकांत साधला । अवघ्या आधी
कळे त्याला । त्यावेगळॆ
वडिलपणाला । ठावची नाही ॥
meaning of these are given
1) One should continuously
live in solitude, study all the books and find the hidden deep
meanings of the teachings given therein.
2) One should practice deep
discrimination in solitude and contemplate on the greatness of the
God Almighty.
3) In solitude one gets
clarity about pros and cons of any action to be taken, find the way
of right effort. In solitude thinking becomes sharp, and logic can
reach all subjects in the universe.
4) The recollecting should be
done when alone, because in that aloneness can one find the things
that were forgotten.
5) One who can remain alone
successfully, knowws everything before all others. Really, there is
no other place of resort for greatness than this man of
discrimination. One who is successful in going to solitude,
understands everything, and thus get all the respect in the society.
B) Spiritual Advantages and
benefits :-
The solitude is needed to for
doing meditation porperly. There is enough literature available on
this aspect.
One can perform worship of
God, Recitation of his Holy name etc only when he is gone to
solitude. Brahmachaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj has explained that as
long as one is able to remember Holy name of God almighty, it amounts
to remaining in solitude only.
When we meditate in solitude ,
on the thoughts given in various books;, their true meaning appears
in the mind automatically. Tukarama Maharaj has the same point in his
mind when he praises solitude in the last stanza of the Hymn.
Teaching of the Hymn:-
This hymn teaches us that
one who wants to make progress , in Worldly affairs or in spiritual
path; must go in solitude once a while and achieve his goals. Also
one should love every being and work for the welfare of the whole.
Solitude or Aloneness - Is it possible to achieve this in our busy lives? Any thoughts on how we can find that solitude in today's world.
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