Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Some clarifications for Abhangas published so far.

        Date : 20th Aug 2012
1) Comment from Sri.Ajit is as given below:
I have Loosely translated the comment it as “ In all three abhangas there is no mention of doing PUJA PATHA ( for which one consumes a lot of time)..( Should one spend such time? )  
एक चर्चेचा मुद्दा :
तीनही अभंगांमध्ये तुकारामाने reciting म्हणजे "ओम नम : शिवाय , श्रीराम जयराम जय जय राम किंवा Shravana (श्रवणं ), manana (मनन ) and Nididhyasa ( निदिध्यास ) किंवा perform the worship in the form of namasmarana( नामस्मरण ) सांगितले आहे . कुठेही पूजापाठ करण्याचा उल्लेख नाही (ज्याच्यात बराच वेळ द्यावा लागतो 

2) Comments From Sri. M.Jayaram.is as given below
2) I want your opinion on an obsession with modern commentary on "moksha" as if pursuing other aims in life is useless. A TEACHER once pointed out to me that Hindu philosphy starts with accepting four purushaarthas - dharma, artha ,kaama and moksha. The first building block is dharma - ethics in consonance with societal norms.This is the base. the next step is getting money which is necessary to maintain the body (the temple which houses the Atman) . karma is natural and must be conquered- it cannot be shunned away -like saying I don't drink alcohol and always thinking about it and the your virtue of shunning it. Vivekananda even advises to indulge in small vices and get over it. Only then can you even think of Moksha. Today we all commentators extolling moksha and forgetting to preach dharma in tune with our society and world TODAY.
Am not decrying what has been said by great souls - they are to remind us and wake us up if we get caught in the first three but to ignore the first three -is it right???

For both these comments I am trying to put my viewsin the further text here.

a) my view on Sri.Ajit's comment
  1. In my opinion there is no real need to spend a lot of time in PUJA PATHA.
    Basically the purpose of these is to have some regularity. One has to have a specific time frame allotted for these everyday. Generally it is morning time.Actually Whom are we worshiping needs to be clearly understood. We are worshiping the Vishvambhara by using the symbols ( मूर्ती पूजा). If one is able to peg his inner mind continuously on SmaraNa( स्मरण) then that is ideal way. Since we are not able to this , the PUJA PATHA are recommended by our knowledgeable elders.
In fact this comment gives me an idea to share with you , what Samartha RamaDasa has advised about NamasmaraNa( नामस्मरण etc. ) It will require about 3 to 4 pages ) Should I put this in my next post?

b) My view about the comment from Sri.M.Jayaram.
  1. First of all I agree with the view that the wake up call is for those who have not paid attention to perform first three ( Dharma , Artha, Mokash ) properly.
Lord Krishna himself tell Arjuna to get up and Fight.i.e. Do his duty a a warrior.

However the basic message appears to have been forgotten by many. May be because of way of life during their times.
Our country was invaded by Mughals who ruled our country with Fierce Force and Iron hand.
This period is after Shnkaracharya, or Dynaneshwara's times. By 1600 the whole country had come under 5 rulers ( except in the southern parts of India) namely Mughals , Bedar, Kutubshahi, Adilshahi, Nizamshahi ) . The society had become fearful to follow their Vedic Dharma. Naturally the mindset  is to look for This is perhaps the reason that everybody tried to select the path of least resistance the one in which one started with selfish goal his own salvation (liberation ).People forgot that the other duties are also of prime important. They had forgotten their SWADHARMA.
 Vaidik Dharma ( वैदिक धर्म) clearly demands that one should first discharge all his duties i. e. (follow the Dharma, Artha , Kama orders ) for the welfare of  Family and Society .Then only one was required to follow the path of (वानप्रस्थाश्रम)Vanaprathashrama. However in todays lifestyle  one need/may not leave the home in order to follow the principles of (वानप्रस्थाश्रम) Vaprathstasharama. What one can do is isolate self ( i.e.allow the next generation in the family to live life their own way without resenting their life style and be available to them for solving their problems).

Like Swami Vivekananda another sage Samarth Ramadas in Maharashtra  had understood this dilemma and in his updeshgrantha Dasabodha has verily stated that one must pay full attention to his duties in Material world. i.e.Prapancha ( प्रपंच) . His opines that one should follow both the paths ( Duties towards family and State as well as Spirituality) simultaneously.He calls these two as the Two Wheels of the chariot  He has given the methodology (which is easy to follow.) to achieve the success both in the material world and in spiritual quest.

I have already stated at the end of 1 st post the summary of his methodology hence I am not repeating it again.


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