Tuesday, June 24, 2014

66B English  Post with 3 Abhangas जयापासोन सकळे । महिमंडळ हे जालेon Nature of God.

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Three Abhangas on the aspect of Nature of God.

जयापासोन सकळे । महिमंडळ हे जाले ॥१-१ ॥
तो एक पंढरीचा राणा । न ये अनुमाना अंतरी ॥१-२॥
विवादती जयासाठीं । जगजेठी तो विठ्ठल ॥ १-३॥
तुका म्हणें तो आकळ । आहे सकळ व्यापक ॥ १-४॥

नाहीं रूप नाहीं नांव। नाहीं ठाव धराया ॥२-१॥
जेथें जावे तेथें आहे । विठ्ठल मायबहीण ॥२-२॥
नाहीं आकार विकार । चराचर भरलेंसे ॥ २-३ ॥
नव्हे निर्गूण सगुण । जाणें कोण तयासी ॥ २-४॥
तुका म्हणें भावाविण । त्याचें मन वोळेना ॥२-५॥

आहें सकळां वेगळा । खेळें कळा चोरोनि ॥ ३-१॥
खांब सूत्राचिये परी । देव दोरी हालवितो ॥ ३-२॥
आपण राहोनी निराळा । कैसी कळा नाचवी ॥३-३॥
जेंव्हा आसुडतो दोरी । भूमिवरी पडे तेंव्हा ॥ ४-४ ॥
तुका म्हणें तो जाणावा । सखा करावा आपुला ॥३-५॥

Verbatim Translation :-

1st Abhanga :-
God is the one from whom this whole universe is created || 1 ||
He is the King of Pandhari ( Universe) and How is he is anybody's guess only || 2||
There are different opinions about Him, But it is certain that He is the King of the Universe . He is Viththala || 3||
He pervades everything and O'Man understand Him || 4||

2nd Abhanga :-
No body knows Him whether He is with form or Formless || 1||
He is our Mother or Elder Sister, and is present everywhere || 2||
He has no Form or Shape, but he pervades everywhere || 4||
He is neither formless or with form, nobody knows How He is || 5||
Tuka say that He can be understood only because of our emotions || 6 ||

3rd Abhanga :-
He is unattached from everything and runs the Universe like a play || 1||
Controlling the strings attached to a puppet ,He Like a Puppeteer manages everybody's life|| 2 & 3||
When He detaches the string, the body becomes lifeless || 4||
Tuka says the We should understand Him , and make Him our close Friend || 5 ||

Meaning of the three Abhnagas taken together:-

These three Abhangas address the main aspects namely 1)f How the God is? 2)How he operates in our life? 3) How to establish relationship with Him?

In the first Abhanga Tukarama Maharaj says that “ The whole universe is created by The God and He alone is the King of the whole universe. Maharaj has used the word “ Pandhari” . The routine meaning is Pandharpur where the famous temple of Lord Viththala is present. In the abhanga however the meaning is “ Whole Universe”
How the Lord looks like is not understood even by the Scriptures and naturally there are different opinions about the Existence of God, . Her does not have a specific name and does not have a specific Form . However one aspect is certain and that is “ He pervades the whole Universe visible as well as Invisible.

We are able to see in the Universe an infinite number of Stars and Galaxies like our Milkyway are existing and it is clear that it's largeness is beyond anybody's imagination.
If we take an example of a Pot, it is clear that there is a Potter who creates the Pot. The Potter is larger that the Pot. We can see the creator of Pot because of his limited size and shape. But when we cannot fathom how Large our universe is, then by similar logic , we can not see the Creator of our Universe. It can logically be said that He must be larger that the universe. However this example is even not sufficient in it's argument but it helps us to know that There is some entity whom we address as God.

In the modern concepts of Science let us take the example of the Nature of Light. In Newtonian world we can understand the light assuming it to be consisting of particles called Photons. But the Quantum theory considers the light as waves . Nobody can state with certainty the the Light is Particles or Waves. Same problem is faced when one tries to describe the Nature of God.

At the end of this first Abhanga Tukaram Maharaj says that likewise there are different opinions abut the Nature of God. However it is clear that it is impossible to imagine His true Nature. He is there and pervades everything can only be said with certainty.

In the second Abhamnga Maharaj is describing to us the Nature of God.

Here he says the “The God is formless , therefore He does not have a specific name and attributes.” “Also He is the One pervading everything in the Universe. “

As per the requirements for a thing to exist in our sense dominated world; when anything has dimensions ( Length, Breadth, Depth) ,then only such a thing is perceptible; by our sense organs.
Such an object is also bounded by the fourth dimension of Time. It does not last long. It first gets deteriorated and is destroyed. These four attributes are minimum conditions for the existence of a thing or what is called as an Object.

However The God is beyond these attributes. This is the reason Tukaram Maharaj says that God is formless.

However since He is the creator of the Universe including all of us; and under His control all of us are living the life,Tukarama Maharaja has addressed Him “the Divine Mother.”.

The third Abhanga gives consideration for the aspects of Understanding, Recognizing the God.
It is clear from the earlier Abhangas that it is very difficult to know the True Nature of God. Then how to understand Him? Is the question that naturally comes to the front.

Tukaram Maharaj has given the answer to the above said question . Tukaram Maharaj says that if one has a right attitude then only it is possible to know Him.

In the recent times there was another saint by Name TukadojI Maharaj, One of his poem is very famous in Maharashtra , India.
The translation of the title of the poem is “ Not having right attitude , How can you know the God? God is not a cheap object to be purchased in the Vegetable market.”
All those who have experienced the3 God say the same point.

Tukaram Maharaj says further that my Viththala ( The God) is All-mighty, He is not understood by those who depend upon the sense organs to Know Him. He is different from everything ( beyond the capability of perception by our Sense organs and Mind) . But He alone is managing all the afairs of the Universe since the time infinite. Just like a puppeteer who makes the puppets to dance by controlling the strings attached to the puppets, God also manages us the affairs of every living being in the universe using the string of Prarabdha.( Loosely translated meaning is Destiny or Fate. We are the makers of our own destiny. Good actions beget good results and bad give bad results causing sufferings) . Thus using this string , He cuts off the life using this string for every living being. When He does this action , at that moment the death strikes the living being.

In the our holy book of Bhagavad Gita , Lord Srikrishna says

ईश्वर: सर्व भूतानां हॄद्देशे$र्जुन निष्ठति। भ्रामयनसर्वभूतानि यंत्रारूढानि मायया । १८-६१.
Meaning :- O'Arjuna, The Lord, dwelling in the hearts of all the beings, causes all the beings, by His power of Mays( Power of Illusion) to revolve,( as if) mounted of a machine”.

In the last stanza of the Abhanga ; Tukaram Maharaj says that this Lord can not be known unless one has an intense attitude ( of Love) in one's mind.
This attitude is nothing but establishing a firm and intense relationship of Love with the Lord. Arjuna did the same thing. The Gita also saus that to develop this attitude just surrender to Him totally.
" तमेव शरणं गच्छ सर्वभावेन भारत " गीत अ १८-श्लोक ६२वा.”
To surrender to Him first one must understand His Work,establish a relationship with Him, doing every action a worship of Him and Him alone and lastly being Happy with whatever the result one gets of such an action.

Teachings of these Abhangas:-

These three abhangas have been probably written in order to benefit ignorant people like us.
The Preaching part is present only in the third Abhanga. Surrender to Him totally is the teaching here. Let us follow it and become eligible for His grace.


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